The Comedy Project
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Who's there?
Stone Soup Shakespeare is trying to find out what is funny. This multi-year project kicked off in December of 2011 with a series of staged readings of Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors. We will be bringing Shakespeare's comedy to multiple communities with free readings, using a combination of professional and community member actors. Each reading will be slightly different according to the cast and setting. The readings will be filmed and will be available to watch wherever you are on-line. Whether you do watch it live or on-line we want to know what you think is funny. We'll be analyzing your laughs and slowly putting together the funniest production of A Comedy of Errors we can devise.
Upcoming Readings:
We'll post them here as soon as there scheduled.
Past Readings:
Monday, December 5, 2011, 7:00pm Longbranch Coffeehouse (Carbondale, IL) - suggested donation $5.00
Carbondale's reading features: Sydney Ambos, Nick Earl , Jeanne Ferraro , Jeffrey Golde, Layton Guyton, Susan Harrocks, Joey Jackson, Jim
Lambert, Phillip Mann, Benjamin Ponce, Jared Shofstall, Julia Stemper, Nico Wood
Sunday, December 11, 2011, 8:00pm Quenchers Saloon (Chicago, IL) - suggested donation $5.00
Chicago's reading features: Celia Forrest, Jeffrey Golde, Rachel Griesinger, Laura Klein, Amy Ludwigsen, Allison McCorkle,Ben Ponce,
Nate Santana, Julia Stemper, Dan Toot and more!
Thursday, February 9, 2012, 8:30pm Tron Theatre (Glasgow, Scotland)
Glasgow's reading directed by Alasdair Hunter. Casting to be announced.
We'll post them here as soon as there scheduled.
Past Readings:
Monday, December 5, 2011, 7:00pm Longbranch Coffeehouse (Carbondale, IL) - suggested donation $5.00
Carbondale's reading features: Sydney Ambos, Nick Earl , Jeanne Ferraro , Jeffrey Golde, Layton Guyton, Susan Harrocks, Joey Jackson, Jim
Lambert, Phillip Mann, Benjamin Ponce, Jared Shofstall, Julia Stemper, Nico Wood
Sunday, December 11, 2011, 8:00pm Quenchers Saloon (Chicago, IL) - suggested donation $5.00
Chicago's reading features: Celia Forrest, Jeffrey Golde, Rachel Griesinger, Laura Klein, Amy Ludwigsen, Allison McCorkle,Ben Ponce,
Nate Santana, Julia Stemper, Dan Toot and more!
Thursday, February 9, 2012, 8:30pm Tron Theatre (Glasgow, Scotland)
Glasgow's reading directed by Alasdair Hunter. Casting to be announced.
stay posted for information on future events