Elizabethan Stone Lamb Stew
April 2012
April 23 is Shakespeare's supposed birthday. Have your own Elizabethan Feast with this Elizabethan Lamb Stew. It is a stew, technically not a soup, so feel free to serve it over couscous (the preferred method). It also goes great being scooped into your mouth with crusty country rolls. Note this recipe can be made stove top or in the oven (and translates well to a crock pot - to adapt to your crock pot follow the directions until the meat is browned than throw everything into the crock pot and cook away).
*Coriander v Cilantro: This is an Elizabethan recipe found in a UK friend's kitchen, all cilantro in the UK is coriander. I have found in the US all dry coriander is coriander, all fresh is cilantro. Call it whatever you want, you'll want both fresh and ground
Have a great recipe for Stone Soup you want to submit? E-mail [email protected] with your recipe and something about you. If we choose your recipe to post, we'll send you an e-mail link to the site. Even if you don't have your own recipe we hope you invite your neighbors over tonight and try your very own batch of Stone Soup.