Our History |
Stone Soup Shakespeare was created in 2010 when Artistic Director Julia Stemper and company member Ishbel McFarlane worked on the balcony scene from Romeo and Juliet for a project in Garnethill Garden in Glasgow, Scotland. The scene was fun to work on and proved fun for audiences. The only problem was that it was just a scene. The two were excited to explore the entire piece with the same zest with which they had approached this scene. To many it would have ended with a sigh and a pat on the back and promises of "someday," but Julia knew in the back of her head that at some point she wanted to create a company that would present Shakespeare to audiences that weren’t necessarily familiar with his work. Though she anticipated this company would happen many years in the future, as she continued scaling the walls of a playground pyramid as Romeo in Glasgow, visions of Turley Park in Carbondale, IL entered her head. A quick Skype session (do you remember Skype?) to now Executive Director Jeffrey Golde with a hypothetical "what if" set Stone Soup Shakespeare in motion.
Julia and Jeffrey had worked with several artistic minds in the DC area in 2005, creating the now defunct Company III.ii. When Jeffrey left the DC area himself to pursue studies at Drama Studio London, they both knew that they would one day work together creating a different company and creating more art. The surprise call from Julia was met with enthusiasm and the improv rule of "never saying no" by Jeffrey (a rule rarely questioned in the history of the company). In 2011, less than a year later, three weeks of April and May were spent by a small ensemble of 10 artists in Carbondale, IL. They rehearsed the classic Shakespearean love story Romeo & Juliet, with Ishbel McFarlane leading the brigade as director. The all-star international cast took their 90-minute, high-energy version of this favorite on a small regional tour that dared the audience to participate in the action. Stone Soup Shakespeare had officially begun!
After the whirlwind first tour ended, the partners were quick to request some like-minded artists join them in the company. Ishbel of course was an obvious choice due to her involvement at the onset. Molly Bunder, a fellow alum of Julia and Ishbel's, was next to sign on, and quickly worked to help produce readings in Glasgow to keep the international ties strong, even when airfare was too dear to keep the physical exchange consistent. Diana Johanessen Golde agreed to assist with offering design input and helped to expand the geographic reach to Sweden, her country of origin. Finally Robin Nuna (Nurse, Romeo and Juliet and Puck, A Midsummer Night's Dream) was invited to join the team and add to the enthusiasm of the group. Now in its 11th Season, the company has grown to include Nicole Goeden, Ken Miller, Eric Mercado, Chad Ramsey, Mel McCray, and Theo Zucker as company members, with the expert advisement of Kim Curlee as a Board Member.
As the Tours grow and our family of artists do as well (moving, changing, and exploring in oh so many ways) we work to continue to make Shakespeare's words fresh, his stories movable, and his characters relatable, all while bringing as much energy to your backyard as we can.
We are also increasingly aware of the need to acknowledge our privilege, our experiences, and our work to be more mindful of the land and spaces we work in. Please visit our specific statement on Mindfulness and Awareness for more insight on what we are contemplating, considering, and learning at this moment in time.
Julia and Jeffrey had worked with several artistic minds in the DC area in 2005, creating the now defunct Company III.ii. When Jeffrey left the DC area himself to pursue studies at Drama Studio London, they both knew that they would one day work together creating a different company and creating more art. The surprise call from Julia was met with enthusiasm and the improv rule of "never saying no" by Jeffrey (a rule rarely questioned in the history of the company). In 2011, less than a year later, three weeks of April and May were spent by a small ensemble of 10 artists in Carbondale, IL. They rehearsed the classic Shakespearean love story Romeo & Juliet, with Ishbel McFarlane leading the brigade as director. The all-star international cast took their 90-minute, high-energy version of this favorite on a small regional tour that dared the audience to participate in the action. Stone Soup Shakespeare had officially begun!
After the whirlwind first tour ended, the partners were quick to request some like-minded artists join them in the company. Ishbel of course was an obvious choice due to her involvement at the onset. Molly Bunder, a fellow alum of Julia and Ishbel's, was next to sign on, and quickly worked to help produce readings in Glasgow to keep the international ties strong, even when airfare was too dear to keep the physical exchange consistent. Diana Johanessen Golde agreed to assist with offering design input and helped to expand the geographic reach to Sweden, her country of origin. Finally Robin Nuna (Nurse, Romeo and Juliet and Puck, A Midsummer Night's Dream) was invited to join the team and add to the enthusiasm of the group. Now in its 11th Season, the company has grown to include Nicole Goeden, Ken Miller, Eric Mercado, Chad Ramsey, Mel McCray, and Theo Zucker as company members, with the expert advisement of Kim Curlee as a Board Member.
As the Tours grow and our family of artists do as well (moving, changing, and exploring in oh so many ways) we work to continue to make Shakespeare's words fresh, his stories movable, and his characters relatable, all while bringing as much energy to your backyard as we can.
We are also increasingly aware of the need to acknowledge our privilege, our experiences, and our work to be more mindful of the land and spaces we work in. Please visit our specific statement on Mindfulness and Awareness for more insight on what we are contemplating, considering, and learning at this moment in time.