Trivia with prizes!
Cameos! TOGAS! Chicago cast features: Geena Barry, Kelsey Colburn, Elliot Cruz, Evan Engle, Emily Green, Naomi Lindh, Ken Miller, Kristin Morris, Jackie Richards, Jessica Saxvik, Ben Schlotfelt, Quinton Sledge, Julia Stemper and Dan Wenzel Jr. directed by Benjamin Ponce Carbondale cast features: Laila Abdo, Sydney Ambos, Hasanah Brown, Tariq Brown, Da'Veon Burtin, Kim Curlee, Nick Earl, Jeffrey Golde, Kaitlin Griffith, Craig Hinde, Chloe Leos, Alexsia Patton, Matlyn Rybak, Julia Stemper directed by Jeffrey Golde TOGA TIPS
UIC Theatre Black Box
Monday, Oct 23, 7:30 PM 1040 W Harrison Street Black Rock Kitchen Tuesday, Oct 24, 7:30 PM 3614 N Damen Avenue Longbranch Bakery & Cafe Tuesday, Oct 6, 7:00 PM 100 East Jackson Street Julius Caesar is popular. The citizens want him as Emperor. A few patricians want no Emperor (well...probably...unless it's them...I mean who turns down that honor). Fearing Caesar's potential power the Senators take care of him...but not in a very nice way. Caesar's kinsman Antony isn't too happy with the political season and makes a speech or two. The citizens are riled. There are fights. All the while there are soothsayers, two people named Cinna, a Cobbler, a Carpenter, some conspirators, Tribunes, Senators and two wives that should have been listened to a bit more attentively. After the assassination sides are chosen and battles are fought and the once happy Republic acquires a new Emperor when Octavius Caesar, a member of the Triumvirate, slickly finds himself as the last man standing. |
*This event is Free for everyone, we will be passing the hat at the end to help offset costs of the event and continue our fundraising efforts for Tour 2016. While we will be asking for your help, remember even if you can't afford to contribute we want to make sure you include us in your plans and never let your finances keep you from playing with us!