Polish Strawberry Stone Soup
or Zupa Truskawkowy
June 2012
Our 2012 Midsummer Tour is coming to a close. Rather than crying in the corner, it's time to celebrate the summer and all the seasonal strawberries we've been nibbling on during the tour. Strawberry soup has many variations, but this is one of the most traditional. In Poland farmers would come in for lunch on hot days and eat this to cool off. This soup can be eaten hot as well (for those June days that seem to defy logic and require more layers than normal).
Place strawberries and water in large pot. Bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer until strawberries are soft, about 6 to 8 minutes. Remove pot from heat. Puree with an immersion blender or in a conventional blender or food processor.
Dissolve cornstarch in milk, temper and whisk into hot soup. Sweeten to taste with sugar and add stone. Return to heat, bring barely to the boil and simmer 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Portion kluski (or alternately croutons) into bowls, ladle soup over and add a dollop of sour cream. If eating cold, chill soup in an ice bath and refrigerate until ready to serve. *kluski is a generic Polish word for noodles; there are many variations - we like egg noodles or even small potato dumplings |
Have a great recipe for Stone Soup you want to submit? E-mail [email protected] with your recipe and something about you. If we choose your recipe to post, we'll send you an e-mail link to the site. Even if you don't have your own recipe we hope you invite your neighbors over tonight and try your very own batch of Stone Soup.